AmericanGreetings.com is offering pet owners the opportunity to show off their beloved furry friends and vote for the cutest at
www.americangreetings.com. The pet photos will be displayed in a dog vs. cat format and visitors can vote for their favorite between the two, advancing the winner into the next round. The pet that receives the most "wins" at the end of the contest will be declared victorious.
To enter the pet photo contest, visit www.americangreetings.com, fill out the registration form, and then follow an easy upload process to submit a pet photo. There is no limit on entries and photos can even be transferred directly from Webshots accounts. There are also tools available for entrants to invite friends and family on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites to vote for your pet.
Grand prize is a $250 gift certificate to PetSmart, a $100 prize package to AmericanGreetings.com, PhotoWorks.com and Webshots, and the honor of being featured as Pet of the Day on Webshots. The top ten will also receive prize packages from AmericanGreetings.com and PhotoWorks.
Deadline - Sunday, May 24, 2009
Contest website - http://www.americangreetings.com/furry-faceoff-challenge
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