Entrepreneur Photo Contest

Anyone is welcome to participate in this competition. The competition will award twelve (12) prizes, one per month, over a period of one year. Each month, one finalist will be selected and will receive a prize of $100. The grand prize winner (selected from among the 12 finalist photographs) will receive $1,000 at the end of the year.

Often, the imagery associated with developing nations captures the misery that accompanies poverty. While it is important that these things are taken seriously and are documented, we believe that developing nations also represent tremendous opportunities for hope. The “I am an Entrepreneur” competition strives to reframe the dialogue around solutions to poverty by infusing the world’s imagination with new imagery that focuses on entrepreneurship. Our objective with this competition is to gather stunning photographs profiling individual entrepreneurs from around the globe.

Prize Details: The competition will award twelve (12) prizes, one per month, over a period of one year. Each month, one finalist will be selected and will receive a prize of $100. The grand prize winner (selected from among the 12 finalist photographs) will receive $1,000 at the end of the year.

Eligibility: All

Entry Fee: Free

Copyright: Participation in the competition and submission of photographs grants SEVEN a perpetual, worldwide, royalty free license to use the images in its sole discretion. Submission of the photograph grants SEVEN the right to use the photograph in its media, including but not limited to its website, marketing materials, or upcoming books and films. Any photograph selected to be used in that way would be done so with proper attribution to the photographer, who would also be compensated for that work at market rates.

Deadline: 30th January 2011

Click here to enter in the contest website


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