January 2010 photo competition – Food

Even though the festive season is over, here at ePHOTOzine we don’t feel like we’ve had quite enough food yet so for January’s competition we want to see your FOOD imagery.

Now, we don’t just want to see shots of leftover turkey! Impress us with your arty plates, clever angles and interesting lighting. Why not try photographing fruit in water or some macro shots of seeds? Your images can be bright and colourful, black & white, or anything else so long as their good enough to eat!

There’s plenty of opportunities for demonstrating your creativity so what are you waiting for? Get those creative juices flowing and create some mouth-watering imagery.
Remember as it’s the New Year why not make it a New Year resolution that you will enter all our competitions cos if your not in how can you possibly win!

Prize: 1st Place: Acrylic Sandwich Block, 2nd Place: Stretched Canvas Print

Eligibility: UK ONLY

Copyright: All entrants agree that their name and images can be displayed and used in promotion for future competitions on ePHOTOzine. The winning entry may be used by the sponsor as a promotional image. The terms of this would be agreed with ePHOTOzine and the sponsor before the prize is announced. By entering the competition you have confirmed you have authorised this.


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